Feeding Your Doberman - Known Issues
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We'd like to note that we do not make any statements in this newsletter. We only share with you some points which were claimed by different dog experts. It's up to you whether to believe this article or not and whether to follow it. We respect your opinion and point of view and have no aim to let you down.
If you want to raise a healthy Doberman, you should feed him in a correct way. Whether to choose homeprepared or packaged food, which is sold in the shops, is up to you, now it is a matter of time economy and personal preference rather than quality and safety. The cornerstone of feeding a dog, including Dobermans, is that it is rather hard to find the universal variant of food, because you won't be able to find a product which will combine all necessary minerals and vitamins (it simply doesn't exist), which your dog requires to advance throughout all of his life stages - a puppy, a mature dog, a senior dog.
We want to recommend you a solution that will guarantee enough variety of useful substances for your Doberman, which is as follows. You should feed your dog twice a day - in the morning, when you should give him a home-prepared food and in the evening with high quality packaged food. Dry meal gives him enough minerals and exercises his teeth. Home prepared food gives him some variation in his ration and ensures that he won't be bored by the food you give him. While commercial food is already well balanced, the homemade one requires to be balanced with necessary minerals and vitamins on the stage of cooking, that's why you should always check with special books devoted to the topic of cooking food for dogs.
