Our jute sleeve cover with handle fits most of the adult training hard sleeves available on the market. it fits x-sleeve just perfect. when you order hard training sleeve and cover we will always put the cover on the sleeve. doing it on your own can be tricky some times and requires usually certain amount of strength and 4 hands (one person to hold sleeve and the other to hold a cover). Some will advice to use plastic bag to slide it easier (don't forget to remove bag once cover is on (it can be tricky as well) some will advice to go over the cover with the car.
We use hard balanced pressure approach to make cover ready for usage. Many trainers with a lot of experience will tell you to get jute cover if you want best of the best for your dog. Ever wondered why is that? for over 50 years jute sleeve covers used around the globe for successful training because other materials can harm your dogs teeth trying to achieve longer life time for the cover. We believe that dog comes first, therefore we suggest to use jute or French linen sleeve cover (French linen is used to make bite tugs, hidden sleeves, puppy sleeves and finally bite suit) Depending on intensity of training you might need to replace cover once in a while.Sometimes once in a year, sometimes once in a couple of month (especially if you train several dogs daily).

Use sleeve cuff with handle for your bite sleeve!!